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Halo Drone Fan Art

This is the basic civilian/science version based on the concept.

This is the basic civilian/science version based on the concept.

The UNSC Man O' War. Designed to quietly deliver supplies and ammunition to soldiers behind enemy lines.

The UNSC Man O' War. Designed to quietly deliver supplies and ammunition to soldiers behind enemy lines.

After being captured and reprogrammed by the insurrectionists, the Man O' War takes a different shape.

Without the ability to easily manufacture cargo containers that fit the rack, the insurrectionists primarily use netting to deliver supplies.

Designated "Stinger", this version of the drone is used exclusively by ONI Section 3 to silently remove important targets.

This is based on Kory Hubbell's awesome concept piece
After completing the initial piece, I thought it would be interesting to see how this drone could be re-purposed by the different factions of the Halo universe.

December 16, 2019